Guest Designer – Agus Gonzáles of Les Jardins de Juliette


Agus Gonzáles is the Barcelona-based knitting designer behind Les Jardins de Juliette! She has partnered with MEZ Crafts Portugal and MEZ Fabra to create three beautiful designs made entirely with Anchor Baby Pure Cotton, that we now share with you. In this interview, she shares a few of her favourite things with us!*


Which city in the world would you want to live in?

Barcelona, without a doubt!


Where's your happy place?

The sofa at home, with my girls and thousands of projects!


What is your favourite colour?


How has knitting changed your life?

It allowed me to understand that we can make our dreams come true. If we truly desire from the heart, we can achieve it. Naturally, this comes with effort, dedication and, I would also like to stress, planning.


How was the experience of working with Anchor Baby Pure Cotton? 

I was crazy in love with the colours, the texture is very soft and allows us to create thousands of ideas in both knitting and crochet.


Agus’s Recipe of Choice

"I've enjoyed cooking since I was a little girl. During the summer and winter vacations, I used to spend Sundays in the kitchen cooking with my grandmother and great-grandmother. Empanadas were part of that tradition. Each family adds their personal taste to the empanadas and I want to share what my personal adaptation is and what I do every month."


Argentinian Empanadas

•             500 gr onion, sliced into chunks

•             250 gr ground meat

•             1 teaspoon paprika

•             1/2 teaspoon cumin

•             1/4 teaspoon white pepper

•             1 teaspoon salt

•             2 boiled eggs

•             1/2 olive (optional)



1) Preheat the oven to 200 / 220ºC.

2) Sauté the onion in oil until soft. Add the meat and mix until cooked. Season with paprika, cumin, salt and pepper.

3) Turn off the heat and add the chopped boiled egg. Stir and set aside until cool.

4) Place a spoonful of the filling a dough disk. Moisten the edges of the dough with water and fold in half to glue together.

5) Place them on a baking sheet and bake in the oven until the dough is golden brown. You can previously brush the dough with beaten egg.


*This interview is also available in Portuguese and Spanish in Tricot 16 Magazine, jointly edited by MEZ Crafts Portugal and MEZ Fabra. If you'd like to receive the full magazine, subscribe to their newsletter at for Portuguese and at for Spanish.


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